onsdag 31. oktober 2007
Red Cross Youth in Bosnien!

The Magical Mother

(Extracted from a talk given by Sally M.at the Goddess Conference in August 2002,from a wiccan perspective)
The Earth has all of these issues to contend with. Humanity is consuming so many of her resources that it is placing impossible pressures upon the eco-system. Our lifestyles are so self-centred, we all too often forget or ignore the levels of suffering going on at this very moment.
Carpe diem!
Laugh your heart out,
Dance in the rain,
Cherish the moment,
Ignore the pain,
Live - love - learn,
Forgive and forget,
Life's too short,
To be living in regret.
Some worldly Wisdoms...
Never judge a person until you really know that person
When you are depress or down, don't count on other, but yourself in moving forward with your life.
Life is full of pain and sorrow when you are unexpected, learn from it and move on.
When you find that love,wherever you find it,whoever you choose,don`t run away from it.But you don`t have to chase after it either.You just be patient, and it`ll come to you.
If you spend your life waiting for storm, you`ll never enjoy the sunshine.
...To love is to live!.....
It`s true that....
- Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience
- The most splendid achievement of all is in the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.
- There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them
onsdag 24. oktober 2007
Huh, Wer war das denn?

Das streben nach Glück

tirsdag 23. oktober 2007
Erstes Red Cross Youth Info-Meeting

lørdag 20. oktober 2007
I will mainly write in German&English so I can practice my grammar:D
Feel free to post and comment me!
Greetz :)